| Wolverine | | Jubilee | | Apocalypse | | Archangel | | Storm | | Mr Sinister | | Rouge |

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One of the villains of X-Men comics, Apocalypse ever live since ancient times he ever has been here fighting versus humans for rule the world. Apocalypse is apparently indestructible, thanks a Chamber that restore his energy. His power is control all the molecules of his body.

Apocalypse is responsible of convert Angel in Archangel and the transformation of Dr. McCoy in the blue beast.


Warren A.K.A Angel is a rich play boy and was one of the original members of Professor Xavier X-Men, whit Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast and Ice Man. Searching for a cure to his mutation he find Apocalypse who convert him in Archangel and change his angel wings in iron wings whit razor feathers that can trough like projectiles.


Jubilee or Jubilation Lee her real name is a mutant orphan girl whit plasma powers that look more like "fire works" .

Jubilee lives in a shopping Mall till she was found by the X-Womans (Storm, Rouge, Psylock, Dazzler) and taken to the mansion of Professor X (Charles Xavier) where she join the X-Men.





Rouge discover her mutant powers when she was a teenager, in his first kiss she take all the energy of her boy friend and when his father know that make she leave her home. Lone and scare Rouge was found by Mystique in one of her forms, she adopt Rouge and teach her to use her powers.

One day Rouge confront Mrs. Marvel and touch her for long time, stealing the superhuman strength and the fly capacity of Mrs. Marvel and part of her mind too. Mrs. Marvel appear several times making Rouge lost the control,she run away and was found by Professor Xavier who lock up Mrs. Marvel in the depth of Rouge mind till the day Mrs. Marvel finally can scape from Rouge's body.

MR Sinister

MR Sinister is a super powerful Mutant,he can't be damage by the powers of others mutants except by the eyes blasters of Cyclops (Scot Summers).

MR Sinister plans was use Jean and Cyclops for create a new race of mutants whit their powers.




Ororo is a mutant from the city of Cairo in Africa. When she was a little girl she was a thief till was found by Shadow King, Ororo work for him till she discover her great powers when she was teenager. Ororo posses the power for control the weather in all it's form, wild storms, twisters and typhoons.

Time next she was found by Professor Charles Xavier who recruit her for his X-Men Team.


Logan A.K.A Wolverine is a mutant from Canada he unite the special forces when was captured and convert in apart of a experiment where his bones was cover whit "Adamantium"thanks of his mutant powers of fast healing his bones combine whit the adamantium and he survive, but large claws grow from his phalanxes.

Wolverine join Flight Alpha Team but he leave them and later he unite X-MEN.

Wolverine has great battles in his life versus heroes and villains like: Hulk, The Thing, Spider Man, Punisher, Cyber, Sabre Tooth, Silver Samurai etc.


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